Published 2023-12-13
- laughter,
- humor,
- image,
- satire,
- impact
- emotion,
- exaggeration ...More
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This article examines laughter, its place in humor, the power of influence and
functions in identifying shortcomings in society. Since ancient times, since the time of
Aristotle, a lot of scientific literature has been created covering the essence and theme of
humor. As a result of our research, it has been scientifically proven that many studies were
conducted in this area back in the early twentieth century, when a new direction of Uzbek
literature was emerging. Among these studies, many views have been put forward on the
definition of the essence, genres and meaning of satire, including laughter, which are one of
the important types of fiction, a number of works have been published that enrich aesthetic
thinking. In this paper, an attempt is made to determine the meaning and place of laughter in
life and literature, and appropriate conclusions are drawn.
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