About the Journal


“International Journal of Media and Communications in Central Asia” is a peer-reviewed journal of Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan (Tashkent), established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan May 24, 2018 PD-3737 "On the opening of Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan": https://uzjoku.uz/en

Mass media state registration certificate №. 084721 dated May 26, 2023

P-ISSN — 3030-3265

E-ISSN — 3030-3354

The journal is published in print and electronically.

Publication languages

Uzbek, Russian, English.

Publication topics

The editors accept for publication scientific articles (research) on a wide range of issues that are directly related to the media industry:

  • History of journalism and media;
  • Media freedom and censorship;
  • History of media law and modern legal foundations of journalism - in the world and within national borders;
  • Media ethics;
  • Specific and typical diversity of mass media: print, radio, television, online media;
  • Genre diversity of journalism;
  • Trends in convergence, multimediaization and multiplatform;
  • Universal journalism and cross-media;
  • Editor's work on journalistic material;
  • Project management in mass media and media management;
  • Audience research;
  • Media planning, media marketing, PR and advertising.

Optional: theater, cinema, book publishing, museum business.

Content composition

The approach to content implies that each of the publications is the result of a scientific study, presented in the form of an article and including sections: Introduction and hypothesis, Methods and materials, Results and discussion, Conclusions, including graphic images illustrating statistical dynamics and survey results, – in accordance with international IMRAD requirements.

The content of the publications is not limited to topics related to the Central Asian region, but may represent the results of research on the entire range of media industry issues in any region of the world.

More detailed information about the volume, structure and design of publications is given in the section "For Authors".