No. 1 (2023): International journal of media and communications in Central Asia

Theoretical reflections of niclas luman on the role of communications in society

Sh.T. Kudrathodjaev

Published 2023-08-30


  • Communicati,
  • autopoiesis,
  • information society,
  • information and communication technologies,
  • civil society,
  • communication relations,
  • communication processes in society,
  • transmission of information,
  • reception of information,
  • place of a person in society,
  • development of information and communication technologies
  • ...More

How to Cite

Sh.T. Kudrathodjaev. (2023). Theoretical reflections of niclas luman on the role of communications in society. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS IN CENTRAL ASIA, (1).


In the article, on the example of the works of Nicholas Luhmann, theories of various interactions in society that occur on the basis of communications are analyzed. The article also compares various interpretations of the prospects for the development of means of communication. Conclusions are formulated about the obsolescence of traditional views on the assessment of society and the self-regeneration of modern societies.


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  8. Референция [<лот. referre хабар бериш] - 1) хизмат хақида тавсифнома, тақриз;
  9. иш фаолиятида – шахсга ёки корхонага иш фаолиятини баҳолаш, ишончли эканлигини билдиришга доир тавсифнома; рефернцияларда шахс ёки ташкилотнинг ишлаш фаолияти, кредитларни қайтариш салоҳиятига доир маълумотлар сўраган ерларга берилади.
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