№.Maxsus nashr (2024) Markaziy Osiyoda media va kommunikatsiyalar Xalqaro ilmiy jurnali


Mukaddas Israil
Journalism and Mass Communications University
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.62499/ijmcc.vi6.48

Nashr qilingan 2024-06-23

Kalit so‘zlar

  • newspaper-populist style,
  • sociolinguistic analysis,
  • newspaper language,
  • appropriations,
  • intercultural relations

Iqtibos keltirish uchun

Israil, M. (2024). NEWSPAPER-PUBLICIST STYLE IN UZBEKISTAN DURING THE YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE: SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS. Markaziy Osiyoda Media Va Kommunikatsiyalar Xalqaro Ilmiy Jurnali, (6). https://doi.org/10.62499/ijmcc.vi6.48


This article uses a sociolinguistic approach to analyze the main factors influencing modern Uzbek newspaper journalism since independence. It studies language changes based on factual material from journalistic texts, examining their functional and stylistic features. The methodology involves training individuals in specific social circles to apply language rules effectively, utilizing linguistic traditions and diverse styles. Sociolinguistic analysis of newspapers considers the political goals of publications and the social, psychological, and linguistic characteristics of their readers. This analysis aims to determine how well newspapers optimize propaganda under specific historical conditions. The study highlights the influence of sociolinguistic factors on language development in a multilingual society, both diachronically and synchronically.

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