For authors
Languages of the journal:
Scope of the journal
The editors accept for publication scientific articles (research) on a wide range of issues that are directly related to the media industry:
History of journalism and media;
History of censorship;
History of media law and modern legal foundations of journalism - in the world and within national borders;
Journalistic ethics;
Specific and typical diversity of mass media: print, radio, television, online media;
Genre diversity of journalism;
Trends in convergence, multimediaization and multiplatform;
Universal journalism and cross-media;
Editor's work on journalistic material in multimedia media;
Media project management and media management;
Audience research;
Media planning, media marketing, PR and advertising.
Optional: theater, cinema, book publishing, museum business.
Content composition
The approach to content implies that each of the publications is the result of a scientific study, presented in the form of an article and including sections: Introduction and hypothesis, Methods and materials, Results and discussion, Conclusions, including graphic images illustrating statistical dynamics and survey results, – in accordance with international IMRAD requirements.
Attention! The content of the publications is not limited to topics related to the Central Asian region, but may represent the results of research on the entire range of media industry issues in any region of the world.
Volume, structure and design
The total volume of the publication is
at least 20 thousand characters.
Title: within 2 lines; in the original language.
Information about authors:
- a) Under the title, at the beginning of the article: in the original language of the article, initials and surname (WITHOUT degrees, titles and positions!), the name of the educational institution, the city where the university is located, each author on a new line.
- b) At the end of the article, after the Abstract: in two (!) other languages (for example, if the text of the publication is in Uzbek, then at the end - in English and Russian). SURNAME of the author in capital letters, first name and patronymic (in full), titles, degrees, positions, full name of the university (or enterprise from the media industry where the author works), city of location of the university (or enterprise), postal address of the university (or enterprise), author's email.
Abstract - 600-700 characters and Keywords 5-6 concepts and terms:
- a) Under the title and author at the beginning of the article: in the original language of the article.
- b) At the end of the article after the list of references: in two (!) other languages.
Introduction and hypothesis: 1.5-2 thousand characters.
Sources and research methods: a description of the main scientific research (by other authors) and methods, including empirical ones, on which the authors relied in the course of this study - 1.5-2 thousand characters.
Attention! The relevance of theoretical studies and empirical studies of other authors used (cited) in this publication is measured by the chronological framework of the last 5-7 years (mainly).
The main part. Discussion: analysis and demonstration of evidence for the proposed hypothesis, including citing sources, examples and publication of illustrations, as well as a description of theoretical and practical obstacles and contradictions (if any) that arose during its proof - 9-10 thousand characters.
Conclusions and results: a statement of confirmation of the hypothesis put forward, conclusions and prospects for the development of the situation in the discussed direction of the development of the media industry - 2-3 thousand characters.
Literature (References):
not less (!) 20 sources.
Location of sources - alphabetically, with sequential numbering; first, sources in the original language, below, separated by a space, sources in other languages, but with their indispensable translation into English and also in alphabetical order.
Book works, example:
Smith, T. (2020). The citation manual for students: A quick guide (2nd ed.). Wiley.
In-text citation Parenthetical: (Smith, 2020)
Narrative: Smith (2020)
Articles in periodicals, including scientific ones, for example:
Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. 2019. Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8-3, 207–217.
Parenthetical citation: (Grady et al., 2019)
Narrative citation: Grady et al. (2019).
Sources from the Internet: in strict accordance with the design of sources from books or periodicals - that is, indicating the author (if any); if the author is absent - the title of the material, the electronic code and the date of access, like this:
Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. 2019. Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8-3, 207–217.
Attention! Sources on legislative bases in the list of references begin with the name of the law (decree, decree, etc.), then - in the same way as all sources from the Internet are drawn up (see above).
References to sources inside the text: in parentheses - the name of the author, two authors separated by a comma, if there are more than two authors - “and others”, year, pages, like this:
Text Text Text (Ivanov, Petrov et al., 2021).
In links within the text to sources from the Internet (if the author is absent), only the first word from the title of the material and the year of publication are given, like this: (Volume, 2020).
Attention! Page links to sources are NOT allowed. Page comments and footnotes are NOT allowed (the author leaves comments inside the main text in brackets).
Attention! The bibliography is consecutively numbered: that is, the numbering continues in each language used in the bibliography.
If the original article is submitted in Uzbek, (1) the list of papers in Uzbek (Latin) is given in alphabetical order first, (2) then the list of papers in English in alphabetical order, (3) then the list of papers in Russian in alphabetical order.
If the original article is submitted in English, (1) the list of papers in English is given in alphabetical order first, (2) then the list of papers in Uzbek (Latin) in alphabetical order, (3) then the list of papers in Russian in alphabetical order.
If the original article is submitted in Russian, (1) the list of papers in Russian is given in alphabetical order first, (2) then the list of papers in English in alphabetical order, (3) then the list of papers in Uzbek (Latin) alphabetical order.
It is possible (and necessary) to use two types of quotation marks - "Christmas trees" and "paws" - in cases where «a quote is "inside" another quote»
Font and spacing
Times New Roman:
- a) Size 12 for the main text.
- b) Size 11 for the Abstract (at the beginning and at the end of the text), Keywords and References.
Line spacing is 1.15.
Review and approval
Before final approval, each of the materials submitted to the editorial office is submitted for “blind” review by researchers specializing in the topics chosen for publication.
The author (authors) of the submitted material make corrections and additions in accordance with the recommendations of the "blind" review, or argue the refusal to make certain corrections and additions, and re-submit the material to the editors.
The final decision on approval or refusal of publication after considering the recommendations of the "blind" peer review and the reaction of the author (authors) to them is made by the members of the editorial board of the journal.
The author (authors) provide the editorial office with a phone number and / or nickname of the author's messenger responsible for constant communication with the editorial office.